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By: Richard Williams

TMS, or Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, is a relatively new treatment for depression that has been gaining traction in recent years. TMS uses magnetic fields to stimulate areas of the brain associated with depression, which has been found to be far more effective in decreasing symptoms than traditional antidepressant medications. Here, we’ll provide an overview of the uses of TMS in treating depression. The primary reason why TMS has been gaining much attention is because of its potential to treat depression where other forms of treatment have failed. Patients who have not responded to medications or psychotherapy are the most likely candidates for TMS treatment. TMS is administered as a non-invasive procedure.

Through the use of MRI-strength magnetic fields, the TMS device stimulates nerve cells in the front part of the brain that are associated with moods. This stimulation can lead to a decrease in depression symptoms in as little as a few treatment sessions. The safety and efficacy of TMS in treating depression has been well established, with many studies showing that it is an effective treatment. A study published in the Journal of Affective Disorders found that 63% of patients showed significant improvement after TMS treatment compared to 16% of patients who showed improvement in the control group.

The benefits of TMS are far reaching. As a non-invasive treatment option, it does not require the use of medications with their potentially dangerous side effects. In addition, it can be completed in a fraction of the time compared to traditional forms of therapy.

Lastly, it is an outpatient procedure, meaning that the patient can go home the same day that treatment is completed. TMS has already helped thousands of people suffering from depression who had previously not seen improvements via medications. Patients have reported feeling an immediate sense of relief shortly after treatment, and have also found that it helped them maintain sobriety.

Overall, using Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation to treat depression can be an effective option for those who have not responded to traditional treatments. Its low-risk approach and quick resolution of symptoms makes it appealing to many patients seeking a non-invasive solution to their depression.